Monday, February 13, 2017

natural treatment for diseases disease

natural treatment for diseases disease

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of functionalmedicine. what i'm going to share with you today is natural remedies for thyroid health. there are more people than ever before thatare struggling with hypothyroidism, hashimoto's disease, hyperthyroidism, grave's disease. if you personally are one of those peoplethat have a sluggish thyroid, a slow metabolism, maybe you exercise and the weight doesn'tcome off like you should, if you struggle with adrenal fatigue or lack of energy, allof those are warning signs that you might have a thyroid issue. in this video, i'm going to cover my top fivenatural remedies that are safe, healthy, and

effective for improving your thyroid functionand helping your body heal any sort of thyroid issue. so for starters, the number one home remedyyou need or natural remedy you need, to start to support the thyroid is ashwagandha. ashwagandhais known as an adaptogenic herb. adaptogen herbs mean they help you adapt and deal withstress, and ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years in chinese medicine. other adaptogenic herbs can include thingslike tulsi or holy basil, also things like rhodiola and ginseng and liquorice root. allof those are adaptogen herbs, but ashwagandha may be the most effective at naturally supportingoverall thyroid health, especially hypothyroidism

and hashimoto's. in fact, on the studies on it, it was actuallyshown to help both hyper and hypothyroid symptoms, which is amazing how ashwagandha works. the number two thing you should consider addingin to overall improve your thyroid function is selenium. selenium is critical, it actuallyhas very, very powerful antioxidant-like functions. so it is critical for overall supporting yourthyroid health. in fact, studies have shown that selenium helps balance out t4 in yourbody hormones, so again taking a therapeutic dose of selenium everyday has also been shownto benefit thyroid function. the next thing you want are certain typesof b vitamins if you want to improve thyroid

function. there are two specifically i wantto mention, and that's thiamine and vitamin b12. so thiamine and vitamin b12 are two bvitamins you need that can actually improve thyroid function. if somebody is especially on a vegan or vegetariandiet, they're absolutely going to be deficient in vitamin b12 and also are likely to be deficientin thiamine as well. so again, thiamine and vitamin b12 are also critical. those are naturalremedies number three. four and five include probiotics. you know,probiotics are critical for digestive function. in fact, thyroid conditions have also beenlinked to a health problem called leaky gut. that's where... leaky gut is where a proteinlike gluten can leak through the gut, get

in the blood stream, and cause inflammationthroughout the body, but also it can cause inflammation of the thyroid gland. so again,healing a leaky gut is also important, probiotics the number one supplement for that. and then last, but not least, proteolyticenzymes. enzymes reduce inflammation, especially if you have an autoimmune-related thyroidcondition like hashimoto's disease, taking proteolytic enzymes like bromelain can reduceinflammation of the thyroid. if you can do those five natural remediesthat i mentioned, you're going to see great results in thyroid function. sometimes youcan even find a blended formula as well with all of those ingredients in it that can supportthyroid and adrenal gland function.

so again, really take care of your thyroid,if you have any of those issues i mentioned, especially issues with your metabolism andenergy levels, those are big warning signs you have adrenal issues. this has been dr. axe. i hope you have enjoyedthis video on natural remedies for thyroid health.

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