Thursday, January 19, 2017

china natural treatments for diseases of heart disease

china natural treatments for diseases of heart disease

greetings. new zealand naturopath, eric bakker,author of candida crusher. thanks for checking out my video. we're going to talk a bit moreabout biofilms today. particularly, about the different bacteria, candida or yeast,associated with biofilms, but also the different diseases that are associated with biofilms.biofilms are associated with many different types of chronic diseases, particularly. soi'll just read out a list here of some of the diseases associated with biofilm. recurringtonsillitis, recurring ear infection, chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis or lung problems,osteomyelitis like bone infections, chronic cystitis, urinary tract infections, kidneystones, chronic prostatitis, cystic fibrosis, recurring vaginal yeast infections, pneumonia,endocarditis, inflammation of the heart. this

is just a few. there's like hundreds and hundredsof different kinds of infections associated with's a very important field now that a huge amount of research is being conducted in manydifferent countries. in china and pakistan, in japan, in america, in germany, many countriesnow are really studying biofilms, particularly the formation and the best eradication ways.i think they're really barking up the wrong tree when it comes to pharmaceutical medicinebecause i haven't really found much joy yet using these �anti� kind of drugs for biofilms.what are some of the examples of bacteria associated with biofilms? well, e.coli isa common one. e.coli can be good or bad. and certain types of e.coli, particularly largeamounts of it, affect people very much and

cause urinary tract infections. so it's veryeasy for you to get a colony of e.coli that just sits there and keeps causing problemsthere. and recurring amounts of antibiotics are not really going to do much there whena biofilm is present with that extracellular mucopolysaccharides enclosure we spoke aboutin a previous video, where it's almost like a tent in covering these bacteria, where antibioticscan't really get into anymore. staphylococcus aureus is a very common bacteriumthat we find there with many different kinds of skin infections, for example. endocarditis,like heart infections. infected medical devices like joint prosthesis and heart valves. theseare all areas where biofilms love to grow. catheter infections, very common. many patientsi've seen in wheelchairs over the years have

a biofilm.pseudomonas, a very common bacteria that we find with ear, nose or throat disease, lungdisease, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, very common in that. we also find a lot of pseudomonasin patients with bad bowel problems. another one i see is citrobacter. it's anotherbacterium, particularly citrobacter fundi is a very common one. and i remember readinga paper only recently, the journal of microbiology technology, december 2013. this is a medicaljournal. effects of nutritional and environmental conditions on biofilm formation of citrobacter.basically, the article stated that the best approach for eradicating biofilm was throughdiet and lifestyle. that's really what the article said, which is the kind of work thatwe do as naturopaths.

streptococcus mutans, which is a typical bacteriathat we see in plaque formation. so i hope you're brushing your teeth two or three timesper day. it's important to get rid of bacteria out of the mouth that cause plaque. becausethese bacteria can cause a lot of problems further downstream in the gut. healthy mouth,healthy gut, is what i always tend to say to people.klebsiella, another bug found often there with prostate infections, urinary tract infections,[wilsonominium] sp? and the list goes on and on. there are many different types of bacteria.the list could be as long as your arm that is associated with biofilm it's important for you to understand how biofilms are formed, so check out my othervideo, the five stages of biofilm development.

in subsequent videos, i'm going to talk abouteradication of biofilm. thanks for tuning in today.

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