Thursday, February 2, 2017

natural treatment for appendicitis traditional disease

natural treatment for appendicitis traditional disease

hey, guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of in this video, i'm going to talk about lupus naturaltreatments and natural cures for lupus. so i'll go over the best supplements for lupus,the best food specifically and then food that will probably surprise you, but foods thatyou absolutely want to stay away from. lupus is an inflammatory condition that can affectthe entire body including muscles, tissues and organs. and also it's an autoimmune diseasein nature. an autoimmune disease is where your body's own immune system starts attackingorgans that it should never attack in the first place. but here's the good news. i'veworked with thousands of patients with autoimmune disease and many of those with lupus and we'veseen complete recoveries in many of those

patients. so let's go ahead and jump. i'm going to start with supplements, thengo into diet and then foods you should stay from. so first off, if you have lupus, thereare five supplements that are the best to take. the number one supplement is going tobe vitamin d3. vitamin d level, vitamin d specifically, it's not just a vitamin, it'sknown as a pro hormone. it's essential for balancing hormones in the body but also formodulating your immune system and that's really the key in overcoming any or autoimmune issue,but especially one like lupus, is we've got to help balance out how you're immune systemis functioning and so vitamin d is critical. you can go and get a vitamin d test, but here'sthe truth, over 80% of people are vitamin

d deficient and i would guess over 90% ofpeople with autoimmune disease or more are vitamin d deficient. so it's almost a mustthat you should get vitamin d. i recommend 5,000 ius twice a day for one month and thenafter that, 5,000 ius a day. and best if you can go and get sunshine that day. that's idealfor about 30 minutes directly on your skin. that's what you want to do and during thosedays, you don't need to take the supplement, but, ideally, vitamin d supplements, numberone. the number two supplement is going to be collagenprotein powder. now, collagen is the main ingredient in bone broth and it contains theamino acid proline. now, the root cause of lupus is a condition called leaky gut syndrome.really lupus, an autoimmune disease, it starts

in the gut with leaky gut. so we've got torepair your gut if we want to heal lupus. and so collagen protein powder and amino acidslike glutamine help repair the digestive tract. the number three supplement you should betaking for lupus is frankincense essential oil. frankincense has been used for thousandsof years and it contains an antioxidant called boswellia and boswellia is one of the mostpowerful natural anti-inflammatories in the world. so start using frankincense essentialoil. what i recommend is you get a bottle of frankincense oil and just rub it all overyour body but specifically your neck and your forehead and just a little bit under yournose. also, one other thing you can do is do two drops of frankincense on your thumband rub it on the roof of your mouth twice

a day. frankincense essential oil, again,helps balance out the immune system, which is critical. also, there's a really unique study done onlupus and they found that those with lupus tend to have low stomach acid. and if youhave low stomach acid, there are a few things you can do. one is eat smaller meals. anotherthing is be rested while you eat and chew more. another thing is do a little bit ofapple cider vinegar and water. but, from a supplement standpoint, digestive enzymes andalso taking something called hcl, that's hydrochloric acid. so again, digestive enzymes are the firstthing i would take. i'd take two to three

capsules with meals, especially if you'reconsuming a meat product. and if you are consuming meat as well, you might try one or two capsulesof hcl with pepsin. and then, last but not least, probiotics. you know probiotics arecritical for crowding yeast out of the body, really also getting into your gut, helpingheal leaky gut and modulating the immune system. you've heard the quote "80% of your immunesystem is located in your gut." if you want to heal lupus, an autoimmune disease, you'vegot to first heal leaky gut, which then in turn will help heal lupus. so again, thoseare the top five supplements if you're trying to overcome lupus. the ideal diet for lupus is a diet that isgoing to be easy to digest and that can help

repair the gut. here are the top five foodsyou should be consuming. number one is bone broth. that's right. chicken broth and bonebroth contain amino acids that help repair the gut and reduce inflammation and boostthe immune system naturally. so again, real bone broth, you can order online, first placeto start. number two is going to be vegetables, specifically steamed vegetables like steamedbroccoli, cauliflower and spinach. those are ideal for helping heal lupus. number threeis going to be organic meats high in omega 3 fatty acids like wild-caught salmon. now,with lupus, an autoimmune disease, you don't want to consume large amounts of meat. youwant to consume about 4-ounce servings with your meal. so, again, about 4 ounces of wild-caughtsalmon, 4 ounces of grass fed beef, but doing

some good, organic meat is great. the number four food you want to start consumingare fruits, specifically berries. things like blueberries and raspberries, high in antioxidants,also naturally anti-inflammatory. number five is going to be fermented dairy products, specificallygoat's milk kefir or goat's milk yogurt. we know those are high in probiotics, they'realso high in vitamin d and magnesium, which are also important for those with lupus. sothat's an ideal diet. so maybe for breakfast, you do a smoothiewith some yoghurt and some fruit and collagen protein powder. for lunch, you can do a salad.and for dinner, a big bowl of bone broth chicken vegetable soup. you follow that diet, i guaranteein just two weeks, you're going to feel like

a completely different person if you havelupus. by the way, if you know somebody who has lupus, i'd share this video with thembecause i know it can help. and, last but not least, here are some thingsyou need to be really careful of if you have lupus. it's gluten and casein. most of usknow that gluten is an inflammatory protein found in wheat products and in most grainstoday. if you're buying any packaged product, you've got to get gluten out. also a1 casein,which is found in goat's milk and that's why i recommended goat's kefir and goat's milkyoghurt earlier, but a1 casein, very inflammatory to the body. then, of course, last but notleast, just processed food. you've got to get processed foods, hydrogenated oils, getthose out of the diet. follow the diet i talked

about earlier. if you take those supplements and follow thatdiet i talked about, you're going to see incredible results in healing from lupus. so, guys, ihope you've enjoyed this video. by the way, if you haven't been to my website, go to doctoraxe.comand look up lupus autoimmune disease and leaky gut or look up "doctor axe leaky gut" andyou're going to find my article on leaky gut. that's going to give you even more steps onhow to overcome lupus and autoimmune disease. and hey, if you want to learn more naturaltreatments and cures, make sure you sign up here for my youtube channel. i want to saythanks for watching. this has been myself, dr. axe, talking about natural cures for lupus.

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